Thursday, October 26, 2006

Power Root

I bought Ben this bottle of Valerian Root pills the other day. No, it’s not Tongkat Ali. On the contrary, it’s to put you into a DEEP SLEEP. Ya, Ben has insomnia and it’s worse when he sometimes he has to work for 7-8 days in a row, from 9am till midnight or 1–2am. So he asked me to go to the Nutrition Zone shop to look for something to help him sleep, something “herbal” instead of sleeping pills. The pharmacist there recommended this bottle of Super Snooze, containing valerian root and melatonin, and he insisted that one would wake up refreshed after taking it, even if one had just 2 hours of sleep.

So Ben tried it and it really works. Within half an hour he’s like all groggy and falls into a deep sleep, “real POW-wer” is how he described it. But too power. You don’t wake up rejuvenated, you just wanna continue sleeping cos it feels so good. The first day after Ben took it, he said he could hardly stay awake at work. There was one day, he was sleeping until so shiok that he didn’t wanna wake up and when I told him he just missed his 8am bus, he said “Nevermind, I can take the next one”. Then he overslept some more and missed the 9am bus! Now he takes it only when he’s off the next day.

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